The NEW Kestrel Line of Powered Paragliding frames are a global hit! BlackHawk Paramotors USA has become the leader of innovation in the industry. Our team expert engineers and designers stay on top of any technological breakthroughs applying to the sport. The BlackHawk Kestrels are a shining example of just that. The Kestrel frame weighs in at only 8.5 lbs! This unbelievably durable frame has become the most desired among our customers. Performance and safety were our key focuses in producing this new revolutionary product. We like our customers to have choices, allowing them to customize their gear to fit their specific needs. That’s why we came out with the Kestrel Standard and the Kestrel Pro. Our Kestrel Standard was designed with high hang-points and rugged J-bars. The Kestrel Standard provides pilots with unmatched stability in flight, and super-easy launch characteristics. Our Kestrel Pro series was designed with the most responsive weight-shift feature we have ever added to a machine. This gives the pilot an almost “free flight” feel and control. You can get the Kestrel frames on our ever-popular BlackHawk 90,125, and Talon 175 Paramotors. Our entire Kestrel 90 Paramotor weighs in at 45 lbs! All the Kestrel units are now under 50 lbs total weight. In the past, many of our customers with physical or age limitations would chose a LowBoy Quad for flight. Now, many of the same customers can easily foot-launch these new machines. One customer stated “I’m only 33 and have bulged and degenerative disks in my back from running Karate schools over the years. I was disappointed that I was limited to quad flight. The only machine out there I could foot-launch was the Mini Plane, and I did not feel safe on that thing. BlackHawk’s Kestrels are so much stronger than a Mini Plane, and I’m not afraid of putting my entire hand through the netting. The first time I picked up the Kestrel on my back, I thought ‘oh yeah – I can totally do this!’ Thanks guys!” Only the lightest, strongest, and highest-quality materials are used in the construction of any products we produce.
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